Wanna show a big Red notification banner right on top of your Salesforce record based on conditional field?
Try Notifie - its sophistication is its simplicity, and its FREE!
Here is an example where we are highlighting a record that was created and de-identified earlier as part of a GDPR 'Right to be forgotten'
Privacy request
Using a combination of process builder, Cloud Compliance's 'Proof of de-identification' Invocable method, and Notifie, we can display a
warning message to the user
If you would rather that this record does not get created to begin with, you can always write a trigger and call our Apex method
That is the power of AppExchange and well designed apps that expose their functionality via Invocable and Apex apis
Thanks to Vaibhav Mankame, PMP, CSM and Cloudalyze team for publishing the Notifie component on AppExchange - link in comments
Also, kudos to our own Niketan Newale of Cloud Compliance GDPR/CCPA Data Privacy Suite for putting this together